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My teaching philosophy 

I strongly believe anyone will greatly benefit  from music.


I have over 20 years of experience teaching a varied range of ages and levels. I believe in tailoring my teaching to each student's needs, strengths and personality.


In my extensive work with students, I have experienced and witnessed the immense power music has. It  allows us to express our deepest parts, without words. It can help us imagine lands and places we have never been to, and allows us to explore and enrich our inner world.


 Great music represents all colors, emotions and human experiences. It’s a language that can express things we have not found words for. Accessing these experiences non verbally can help us process and at times understand new things about the world and about where we are in it.


So many studies have shown the great benefits of music, from fostering creativity and imagination, to striving and achievement of goals, math skills and so much more.


I simply enjoy sharing my love of music with my students and encourage each and every student on their individual journey.

Yael Rubinstein
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