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Yael Rubinstein

About Me

Yael Rubinstein grew up in Israel where she began her cello studies at age 7. What started as a chance encounter in a children’s concert, soon transformed into a lifetime passion for music performance, cello instruction and education through music. 

Yael has toured as a solo cellist, chamber music partner and orchestra member across the United States, Israel, Europe, Asia, and South America. Her performance career took her to famous venues such as Carnegie Hall and the Library of Congress in Washington, where she collaborated with some of the world’s outstanding artists such as Pinchas Zukerman and Yo-Yo Ma.

For a number of years, Yael played as a member of the West Eastern Divan led by Maestro Daniel Barenboim. With the orchestra, she performed in festivals like the Proms in London, the Salzburg festival in Austria, the Lucerne festival in Switzerland and recorded Beethoven’s complete nine symphonies for the DECCA label.


For over 20 years Yael has been sharing her artistry and expertise with the younger generation. She has held positions as a faculty member in the Bard College of Music summer program, providing guidance in youth orchestra sectionals and Music Theory at the New England Conservatory. Yael has also served as a private cello instructor within the Weston Public School system and operates a private studio, offering lessons to both children and adults across various proficiency levels.


Yael is a graduate of the Rubin Academy in Tel Aviv University (B.A. with honors), Mannes College of Music of the New School in NYC (M.A.) and the New England Conservatory in Boston(G.D.)

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